We help you to get right people for right job at right time with right cost !

Every day we interact with companies that need help with their hiring. Almost all of them raised common issue. Issue of manpower”, their companies are growing, but to handle growth they need to hire more people and most importantly right people. To get a right people for right job is one of the big headache for a company today ! 

But, Here is the “Good News”, HireXtra is a one stop shop for crowd staffing platform, and is a cloud based which serves as single platform to provide all staffing needs. HireXtra will act as a bridge between the “Employer” & “Vendor”, in which employer will post all their requirements in our single platform and avail multiple vendors to work on their requirements.

To know more visit - http://www.hirextra.com/ 
Call- 040-30021290 / 7981893916


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